What is Body FX?
BodyFX is a long lasting, non-invasive
solution to reduce the unsightly appearance
of cellulite. BodyFX is the perfect solution
to treat your mummy tummy or muffin top.
How does Body FX work?
BodyFX uses a combination of different
clinically proven modalities including
radiofrequency energy, deep tissue heating,
and vacuum suction.
The radiofrequency energy distributes heat
to the skin and underlying fat, causing the
tissues to heat. The vacuum and controlled
energy pulses then work synergistically to
provide beautiful body results.
How safe is the treatment?
A series of radiofrequency energy is delivered
by a succession of pulses at 1 million cycles
per second. While this may sound intense, it
is very safe. To maximize comfort, the body’s
temperature will be constantly monitored,
with ongoing accurate feedback of the
skin’s temperature. This thermal monitoring
provides the utmost in temperature control.
Does it hurt?
Most users find BodyFX comfortable. During
treatment you can expect a warming of your
skin and gentle pulling sensation as the
radiofrequency and vacuum work to target
stubborn pockets of fat.